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Titanium Guide

Overview of Titanium metal properties and its wide range of application in today's world

Titanium in Periodic Table

Titanium is represented by Ti and it is number 22 on the periodic table. Titanium never stands alone in nature, and exists in bonded form with other nature’s elements. Being the ninth-most abundant element within the Earth’s crust, it’s also rank seventh-most abundant in metal category.

In terms of physical characteristics, titanium is known for its high strength to weight ratio, and it’s also a metal with low density that is ductile, lustrous and has a metallic-white color. Commercial grade titanium possesses ultimate tensile strength comparable to common low-grade steel alloys, but at nearly half the weight. In comparison with aluminum, titanium is more than 50% denser, but twice as strong. Titanium is hard metal, non-magnetic and poor conductor of heat and electricity, in comparison to iron.

Titanium Processing Services Malaysia

In brief summary, titanium metal is processed through 4 major steps before the final finished shapes or product we see in day to day like.

  • Extract and reduction of titanium ore into 'sponge' porous form

  • Melting of sponge, or mixture of sponge with maste alloy to form ingot

  • Initial primary fabriction to convert ingot into general mill products, example bar, plate, sheet and so forth

  • Secondary fabrication will turn the general mill products into finisihed shapes or forms

The unique characteristics of titanium, combines with its excellent resistance to corrosion (which is as resistant as platinum), ensures titanium has wide range of application.

Titanium in Pigments Additives and Coatings Malaysia

Pigments, Additives and Coatings

Produced as titanium dioxide, it’s widely used in paints, paper, toothpaste, plastics, cement, gemstones, paper, and strengthening of graphite composite, as in golf clubs for example.

Titanium in Consumer and Architectural Malaysia

Consumer and Architectural

Titanium has the widest application here, and many of our day to day consumer goods consists of this metal. Key industries and products, include automotive, sporting goods, spectacle frames, cookware, utensils and so forth. Another strength of titanium is its biocompatibility, which eliminates skin or other allergic response.

Titanium in Aerospace and Marine Malaysia

Aerospace and Marine

Used in aircraft, armor plating, ships, spacecraft, missiles, utilizing its high tensile strength to density ratio, extremely high corrosion and fatigue resistance characteristics. The ability to withstand high temperature without creeping is another strength.

Titanium in Jewelry Malaysia


Due to its durability and biocompatibility, titanium is a popular choice for designer jewelry, and an equally popular metal for body piercing.

Titanium in Industrial Malaysia


As welded titanium pipe and process equipment, in chemical and petrochemical industries primarily

Titanium in Medical Malaysia


Perhaps one of the most important usage of titanium is in medical field. Often used in surgical implements and implants, such as hip balls and sockets, as well as orthopedic implant, it can last up to 20 years in human body. Titanium is also widely used for surgical instruments, as well as wheelchairs, crutches and other products where there is needs for high strength and low weight.

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